Actual viking ships
These are the real deal, pull from the fjords. The photos are just some general views from the main museum building. The lumber has gone black and hard but notice how nicely
the nails are preserved. After 1000 years under water the planks still fit pretty well. Also notice their width in relation to the hull speed design raised earlier.
They have been outfitted with metal braces to keep them in one pieces and show their original shape.
Actual viking ships
The pictures show some interesting detail. On the left we see a hewn step stern (or maybe the other end.) This piece, together with the keep and the other
stepped piece would form the anchors for the planks. Each plank would in neatly to each of the steps seen in that picture. On the far right is shown a small model of
one of the ships. On the near right we can see the remnant of one of the pieces that was used to store the shild of a warrior. We frequently see viking ships with a line of
shields along the top of the hull. Well, this is how it was sitting there. The warrior would take his station at an oar but before that he would slide his shield into this brace
and gather some extra protection. Not only did it keep the shield out of the way but it extended the height of the hull protection.
Additional views
For more some more views click on these pictures. The wood has turned hard and cool to the touch. You are not supposed to touch them, of course. ;)
The ships represent both warships and cargo vessels. The cargo vessels are substantially wider and slower. Vikings would frequently fight sea battles. They would tie
their ships together to make a small floating island and then fight against another floating island of enemy ships.
Yet more additional views
Many old technologies had to be rediscovered as they had been replaced with newer technologies. The vikings didn't have a saw, everything had to chopped, planed and profiled.
Ropes were wood raffia as opposed to the later hemp. Sails were mostly wool as opposed to later canvas. The idea is not to decide that just because something was possible they
would have done it, but to try and figure out exactly how they did it.